our mission

We explore the physics at low and ultra-low temperatures with special focus on superconductivity and magnetism as well as on the control of quantum systems in the field of quantum technologies.

Quantum chemistry on quantum computers

WMI reviews the potential of its quantum computing technology for near-term simulations of quantum chemistry.

Quantum cryptography goes microwave

WMI researchers demonstrate microwave single-shot quantum key distribution, allowing for unconditional security in µw-based communication.

WMI-Seminar: Fr 11:15h, Benjamin D'Anjou

How driven superconducting qubits go boink

what we do
Our field
of research
Quantum Systems
We study the fundamental physics of solid-state based quantum systems and advance their fabrication technology to lay the basis for applications in quantum computing, quantum communication, and quantum sensing.
Quantum Communication and Sensing
We study the foundations of quantum microwave communication and sensing. We also develop quantum microwave technologies for the realization of quantum local area networks and advanced sensing methods.
Quantum Computing and Information Processing
Our mission is to investigate complex quantum systems, engineer novel devices and educate students to advance quantum technologies for scientific and societal impact.
Quantum Theory
We develop analytic and numerical methods for modelling the quantum properties of superconducting circuits, nanomechanical devices, spin ensembles and hybrid quantum systems. Our goal is to identify improved protocols for practical quantum communication and quantum information processing applications, but also to explore novel quantum many-body phenomena that arise in such artificial quantum devices with specifically engineered properties and interactions.
Magnetism and Spintronics
We study the ordering of spins, magnetization dynamics and spin transport in magnetic materials to understand the formation of complex spin textures, their high-frequency response and the transport of angular momentum. We fabricate complex magnetic heterostructures and nanostructures required for advanced data storage and the next-generation spintronic devices.
Superconductivity and Correlated Electron Systems
Superconductivity is one of the most fascinating but also complex and challenging phenomena in solid-state physics. We focus on the fundamental understanding of the mechanism of superconductivity in materials such as the cuprates, iron pnictides or organic metals.
whats happening
News & Events
WMI-Seminar: Fr 11:15h, Benjamin D'Anjou

Benjamin D'Anjou
Title: “How driven superconducting qubits go boink”
Time: Friday, 18.10., 11:15 h


In their experiment, researchers at the WMI design and characterize a multimode superconducting quantum circuit that forms an artificial molecule. The circuit has two characteristic nonlinear oscillation modes. One is used as a protected qubit mode that can be efficiently decoupled from the measurement circuit to prevent the loss of quantum information. The second mode is used as a mediator that controls the interaction between the qubit mode and the measurement circuit. This protected multimode qubit has the potential to also suppress unwanted interactions between neighboring qubits, thereby solving another major challenge in scaling up quantum processors. It can thus serve as a building block for a quantum processor architecture that retains the performance of a single qubit at large scale.


As part of the "MOQS – Molecular Quantum Simulations" consortium, researchers at WMI explored the potential of quantum computing to simulate the quantum effects that govern chemical reactions. Their findings suggest that the chemical industry could be among the earliest beneficiaries of advancements in quantum computing. The report was prominently featured as the cover article in the September issue of Physics Today and is available to read online free of charge.

Quantum cryptography goes microwave

Quantum technology allows for unconditional security in microwave-based communication. Now, a team of researchers from the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BAdW), the Technical University of Munich (TUM), the University of Tokyo, and Rohde & Schwarz GmbH joined forces to demonstrate the successful realization of a quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol in the microwave regime. This significant achievement is highly relevant for modern communication systems.

Press Release

Rare-earth Ions for Quantum Information

The workshop on Rare-Earth Ions for Quantum Information 2024 is taking place in Munich from 17 to 20 September 2024, hosted by the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities in its premises at the Munich Residence. The oranizing team includes Nadezhda Kukharchyk of WMI/BAdW and Andreas Reiserer of NAT/TUM. The scientific program will be complemented by an informal get-together in the evening of September 17, and lab tours on September 20 in the afternoon.


A New Way to Transport Spin Currents

In a recent Physical Review Letters, a team of researchers from the Walther-Meißner-Institute (WMI) of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BAdW), the Technical University of Munich (TUM), the ETH Zürich, the University of Konstanz and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) has demonstrated the transfer of spin information between two separated ferromagnetic metal strips harnessing magnetic excitations, providing a new avenue for spintronics.

Featured in Physics, Press Release