
The Walther-Meissner-Institute has a long tradition in training and fostering young talents. To this end we are aiming at attracting the best students and young scientists from all over the world by offering an inspiring and collaborative atmosphere.

If you are interested in joining us as a researcher, technician, postdoc, PhD, or student assistant, please apply directly for the positions announced below. Master's or Bachelor's thesis topics are announced at the TUM Department of Physics.

If you don’t see the position you are looking for and you have the right background, please drop us a line! We are always on the lookout for motivated and highly qualified staff.

Verwaltungsleiter/in (w/m/d) als Elternzeitvertretung in Vollzeit

Mai 2024
Zur administrativen Unterstützung unserer Forschungstätigkeiten suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n
Verwaltungsleiter/in (w/m/d) als Elternzeitvertretung in Vollzeit.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie sekretariat(at) für weitere Details.

Finanzmanager/in im wissenschaftlichen Bereich (w/m/d) in Vollzeit

Mai 2024
Zur administrativen und strategischen Unterstützung unserer Forschungstätigkeiten suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n Finanzmanager/in im wissenschaftlichen Bereich (w/m/d) in Vollzeit.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie sekretariat(at) für weitere Details.

Aushilfe (w/m/d) im Bereich der Verwaltung

Juni 2024
Zur Unterstützung unseres Verwaltungsteams suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n
Aushilfe (w/m/d) im Bereich der Verwaltung.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie sekretariat(at) für weitere Details.

Open PhD and PostDoc Positions

We are continuously looking for excellent and motivated PhD students and Postdocs to join our quantum team. Please consider applying if you have the right background in experimental quantum technologies. For further information, see our job announcement. Your application should include the following documents:

  • A motivation letter describing your research interests, your qualifications, and why you would be a suitable candidate
  • A detailed CV
  • Academic transcripts
  • Email addresses of at least two references

Please contact Martina Meven, room: 107, phone: +49 89 289 14207, e-mail: sekretariat(at) Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

Open Master's Theses

An up-to-the-minute list of master's theses offered at WMI/E23 can be found in WMI->TEACHING->MSC/BSC THESES.

Open Bachelor's Theses

An up-to-the-minute list of master's theses offered at WMI/E23 can be found in WMI->TEACHING->MSC/BSC THESES.