International Max Planck Research School "Quantum Science and Technology"

Quantum science and technology is a vibrant and multidisciplinary field of research at the interface of physics, mathematics, computer science and material science. With over twenty experimental and theoretical research groups, Munich is one of the leading research centres in this field. Our international graduate program unites the competences of these research groups in Munich to a common research and teaching plattform, thus offering doctoral students exiting opportunities and exceptionally broad, yet focused training at the highest level.

The International Max Planck Research School for Quantum Science and Technology is a joint program of the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and the Technical University of Munich. It offers an excellent and coherent graduate program across the fields of atomic physics, quantum optics, solid state physics, material science, quantum information theory, and quantum many-body systems.

First and foremost, IMPRS-QST provides a platform of joint activities for a large research community, encouraging better networking and scientific exchange as an integral part of doctoral training.

IMPRS-QST students can either get directly admitted to the program through our yearly application process or join as members after starting their PhD at one of our associated research groups. 

Gross, Rudolf
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