Dry Dilution Fridges

After our first presentation of a cryogen-free ("dry") dilution refrigerator (DR) in 2002, they have become standard mK coolers over the years. It is not so their refrigeration power or base temperature that stand out with the present commercial models, but their geometrical dimensions where mounting platforms of the mixing chamber with diameters of up to 1m have become available.
Recent publications
Kurt Uhlig
Research Article | Cryogenics 87, 29 - 34  (2017)
K. Uhlig
Research Article | Cryogenics 79, 35-37  (2016)
K. Uhlig
Research Article | Cryogenics 66, 6-12  (2015)
Uhlig, K; Hehn, W
Research Article | CRYOGENICS 37, 279-282  (1997)
Research Article | CRYOGENICS 33, 1028-1031  (1993)

The WMI operates numerous dry dilution fridges...