Proseminar | Superconducting Quantum Circuits
W 2023
Within the seminar Superconducting Quantum Circuits, students present state-of-the-art developments in modern quantum technology with superconducting quantum circuits. In this field, funamental research in academia has meanwhile triggered highly dynamical activities from established large corporations (Google, IBM, Intel etc.) and ambitious startups (Rigetti, IQM, HQS etc.). In particular, superconducting quantum circuits belong to the few prime candidates for a scalable quantum computer.
12:00 - 14:00h, WMI-Seminarroom, room 143
17.10.2023 | Preliminary discussion and assignment of topics (M. Werninghaus et al.) |
24.10.2023 | Preliminary discussion and assignment of topics (M. Werninghaus et al.) |
28.11.2023 | Building Blocks of a Flip-Chip Integrated Superconducting Quantum Processor (Agatha Skoczylas) |
12.12.2023 | Mechanically Induced Correlated Errors on Superconducting Qubits with Relaxation Times Exceeding 0.4 Milliseconds (Apollon Marangos) |
09.01.2024 | Real-time quantum error correction beyond break-even (Ludwig Martlmueller) |
16.01.2024 | CANCELLED: Dissipative stabilization of dark quantum dimers via squeezed vacuum (Juan Soriano) |
23.01.2024 | Control and readout of a superconducting qubit using a photonic link (Darius Haitsch) |
List of open topics for seminar talks in WS 2023/2024:
- High-fidelity parallel entangling gates on a neutral-atom quantum computer (Simon J. Evered et al., Nature 622, 268-272 (2023))
- Control and readout of a superconducting qubit using a photonic link (F. Lecocq, F. Quinlan, K. Cicak, J. Aumentado, S. A. Diddams & J. D. Teufel, Nature 591, 575-579 (2021))
- Quantum-enabled operation of a microwave-optical interface (Rishabh Sahu, William Hease, Alfredo Rueda, Georg Arnold, Liu Qiu & Johannes M. Fink, Nature Communications 13, 1276 (2022))
- Autonomous error correction of a single logical qubit using two transmons (Ziqian Li, Tanay Roy, David Rodriguez Perez, Kan-Heng Lee, Eliot Kapit and David I. Schuster, arXiv:2302.06707v1 [quant-ph] (2023))
- A dissipatively stabilized Mott insulator of photons (Ruichao Ma, Brendan Saxberg, Clai Owens, Nelson Leung, Yao Lu, Jonathan Simon & David I. Schuster, Nature 566, 51–57 (2019))
- Real-time quantum error correction beyond break-even (V. V. Sivak, A. Eickbusch, B. Royer, S. Singh, I. Tsioutsios, S. Ganjam, A. Miano, B. L. Brock, A. Z. Ding, L. Frunzio, S. M. Girvin, R. J. Schoelkopf & M. H. Devoret, Nature 616, 50–55 (2023))
- Three-wave mixing traveling-wave parametric amplifier with periodic variation of the circuit parameters (Anita Fadavi Roudsari, Daryoush Shiri, Hampus Renberg Nilsson, Giovanna Tancredi, Amr Osman, Ida-Maria Svensson, Marina Kudra, Marcus Rommel, Jonas Bylander, Vitaly Shumeiko, Per Delsing, Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 052601 (2023))
- Mechanically Induced Correlated Errors on Superconducting Qubits with Relaxation Times Exceeding 0.4 Milliseconds (Shingo Kono, Jiahe Pan, Mahdi Chegnizadeh, Xuxin Wang, Amir Youssefi, Marco Scigliuzzo, Tobias J. Kippenberg, arXiv:2305.02591 [quant-ph] (2023))
- Efficient Long-Range Entanglement using Dynamic Circuits (Elisa Bäumer, Vinay Tripathi, Derek S. Wang, Patrick Rall, Edward H. Chen, Swarnadeep Majumder, Alireza Seif, Zlatko K. Minev, arXiv:2308.13065 [quant-ph] (2023))
- Tunable inductive coupler for high fidelity gates between fluxonium qubits (Helin Zhang, Chunyang Ding, D. K. Weiss, Ziwen Huang, Yuwei Ma, Charles Guinn, Sara Sussman, Sai Pavan Chitta, Danyang Chen, Andrew A. Houck, Jens Koch, David I. Schuster, arXiv:2309.05720 [quant-ph] (2023))
Topical directions of the seminar:
- Foundations and applications of superconducting quantum circuits in quantum computing, quantum simulation, quantum communication, quantum sensing, and quantum metrology.
- Superconducting quantum technology: Resonators, waveguides, quantum bits, couplers, quantum-limited amplifiers, quantum processors, quantum error correction etc.
- State-of-the-art fabrication and measurement tachniques for superconducting quantum circuits.
- Investigation of the fundamental light-matter interaction "on a chip" using superconducting quantum circuits.
- Quantum information theoretical concepts: Entanglement, quantum gates, quantum algorithms, quantum memories, quantum measurements etc.
- The coupling of nanomechanical systems and spin ensembles to superconducting circuits.
- Challenges: longer quantum coherence, higher gate fidelities, scalability to a large number of qubits etc.
- Latest developments on the strive towards quantum advantages over conventional technology
- Propagating quantum microwaves emitted by superconducting circuits: quantum ressources, quantum microwave communication, quantum radar
You will be supported in the preparation of your talks from the research groups on superconducting quantum circuits, propagating quantum microwaves, and nanomechanics at the Walther-Meißner-Institute.
Learning Outcome:
After the successful completion of the module the students are able
- To prepare presentation slides on a scientific topic and to clearly present a topical research field within a scientific talk.
- To discuss on a state-of-the-art research field in a scientific way.
- To analyze and assess the latest development in quantum scinece and technology with superconducting circuits.
- To understand and explain the foundations of superconducting quantum systems and technology.
- To understand the foundations and the state of the art in quantum computing, quantum simulation, quantum communication, quantum sensing, and quantum metrology with supercondcuting circuits
- To understand the foundations and the state of the art in nanomechnical systems and spin ensembles
Basic knowledge of condensed matter physics, foundations of quantum mechanics