Dr. Daniel Reisinger

  • Alumnus/Alumna: Magnetism and Spintronics
  • Alumnus/Alumna: Thin Film Technology


Daniel Reisinger was member of the Gross group at WMI as a Ph.D. student between 2001 and 2004.

Ph.D. ThesisMagnetit in ultradünnen epitaktischen Schichtsystemen für die Spinelektronik  (2004)

In his Ph.D. thesis, Daniel Reisinger was working on the fabrication and characterization of epitaxial magnetite thin films and used them for the realization of spin electronic devices such as magnetic tunnel junctions. The thin films have been prepared in an ultra-high vacuum system by pulsed-laser deposition and electron beam evaporation on MgO(001) and Si(001) single crystal substrates. Using in-situ reflection high energy electron diffraction and atomic force microscopy, he investigated the surface topology of the films. Furthermore, he used high resolution X-ray diffraction to reveal the structural properties, film thickness and interface roughness. The magnetic characteristics, in particular the magnetic coupling within the multilayers, he measured by SQUID-magnetometry while he used electric transport measurements to study the magnetotrransport properties. He could achieve high-quality films with similar properties as bulk single crystal material. Using the multilayers, he fabricated µm-sized magnetic tunnel-junctions (MTJs) with five different tunnel-barrier materials by optical lithography and ion beam etching. At room temperature, he found a tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) of up to 5%.

After finishing his Ph.D. thesis, he left WMI to start a carrier in industry. At present, he is Key Partner Management & Strategy at Robert Bosch GmbH.


Publications of Dr. Daniel Reisinger


M. Opel, S. Geprägs, E.P. Menzel, A. Nielsen, D. Reisinger, K.-W. Nielsen, A. Brandlmaier, F.D. Czeschka, M. Althammer, M. Weiler, S.T.B. Goennenwein, J. Simon, M. Svete, Wentao Yu, S.-M. Hühne, W. Mader, and R. Gross


J. Simon, Th. Walther, W. Mader, J. Klein, D. Reisinger, L. Alff, and R. Gross
D. Reisinger, P. Majewski, M. Opel, L. Alff & R. Gross
Research Article | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 231, 598-602  (2004)
U. Ehrke, A. Sears, L. Alff, D. Reisinger
Daniel Reisinger
Research Article | Acta Physica Polonica A 105, 7-26  (2004)
J.B. Philipp, P. Majewski, D. Reisinger, S. Geprags, M. Opel, A. Erb, L. Alff, R. Gross


Research Article | PHYSICA B-Condensed Matter 329, 965-966  (2003)
L. Alff, J.B. Philipp, D. Reisinger, R. Gross, G. Carbone, A. Vigliante, E. Klein
J.B. Philipp, D. Reisinger, M. Schonecke, M. Opel, A. Marx, A. Erb, L. Alff, and R. Gross
D. Reisinger, M. Schonecke, T. Brenninger, M. Opel, A. Erb, L. Alff, and R. Gross
J. Klein, J. B. Philipp, D. Reisinger, M. Opel, A. Marx, A. ErbL. Alff, and R. Gross
Research Article | Applied Physics 77, 619-621  (2003)
D. Reisinger, B. Blass, J. Klein, J. B. Philipp, M. Schonecke, A. Erb, L. Alff, and R. Gross


J. B. Philipp, J. Klein, D. Reisinger, M. Schonecke, A. Marx, A. Erb, L. Alff, R. Gross
Research Article | physica status solidi (a) 189, 617-620  (2002)
J. Klein, J. B. Philipp, D. Reisinger, L. Alff, R. Gross
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