Ivan Tsitsilin

Room 136
  • PhD Student: Quantum Computing and Information Processing , Superconducting Quantum Circuits


Ivan is working as a PhD student on superconducting multi-qubit platforms starting October 2020. Previously he was a Master’s student at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). He completed his masters thesis on the development of two-qubit gates and superconducting multi-qubit systems based on transmon qubits at the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Alexey Ustinov at MISIS.


Publications of Ivan Tsitsilin


Research Article | Physical Review X 14, 041007  (2024)
Preprint: arXiv:2312.16988
F. Pfeiffer, M. Werninghaus, C. Schweizer, N. Bruckmoser, L. Koch, N. J. Glaser, G. Huber, D. Bunch, F. X. Haslbeck, M. Knudsen, G. Krylov, K. Liegener, A. Marx, L. Richard, J. H. Romeiro, F. Roy, J. Schirk, C. Schneider, M. Singh, L. Södergren, I. Tsitsilin, F. Wallner, C. A. Riofrío, S. Filipp


Aneirin J. Baker, Gerhard B. P. Huber, Niklas J. Glaser, Federico Roy, Ivan Tsitsilin, Stefan Filipp and Michael J. Hartmann
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