Dr. Michael Schreier

- Alumnus/Alumna: Magnetism and Spintronics
Michael Schreier was member of the Gross group at WMI as a Master and Ph.D Student between 2011 and 2015.
Master Thesis: Spatially Resolved Spin Seebeck Experiments (2012)
Ph.D. Thesis: Spin Transfer Torque Mediated Magnetization Dynamics (2017)
In his Ph.D. thesis, Michael Schreier was studying the spin Seebeck effect and magnetization dynamics mediated by spin transfer torque. In particular, he studied magnetization dynamics in insulating magnetic thin films by employing the magnetization and electron spin sensitive scattering at the interface with the magnetic thin film in an adjacent metal layer. He demonstrated the detection of magnetization dynamics, activated by spatially varying temperature distributions, and explored the interaction between elastic and magnetic lattice excitations. He further demonstrated how coherent magnetization dynamics can be induced by electrically controlling the electron spin distribution in the metal layer and the resulting magnetostatic mode spectrum is investigated.
After leaving WMI he joined HypoVereinsbank – UniCredit Bank AG as a trainee and now is project leader for Markets Digital Development - Digital Development for CTS & FX Sales at HypoVereinsbank – UniCredit Bank AG.