Dr. Mitja Schonecke

  • Alumnus/Alumna: Superconductivity and Superfluidity
  • Alumnus/Alumna: High-Tc-Superconductivity: Superconductivity and Correlated Electron Systems
  • Alumnus/Alumna: Thin Film Technology


Mitja Schonecke was member of the Gross group at WMI as a Ph.D. Student between 2000 and 2004.

Ph.D. ThesisGrenzflächeneffekte zwischen Hochtemperatur-Supraleitern und Normalleitern  (2004)

In his Ph.D. thesis, Mitja Schonecke was studying interfaces between high-temperature superconductors and normal metals. He used tunneling spectrocopy at low temperatures and high magnetic fields to investigate the transport properties of junctions consisting of high-temperature superconductors (S) and normal metals (N). He was particularly interested in the influence of a ferromagnetic material (F). For his experimental study, he fabricated ramp-edge-type junctions. The S/N contacts showed a splitted zero bias conductance peak, what he interpreted as clue for the existence of states with broken time reversal symmetry. At the interface of S/F contacts a natural tunneling barrier was found to form. 

He left WMI in 2004 to start a career as a Patent Attorney. Presently, he is Manager IP Automotive & Aerospace at SKF GmbH, Schweinfurt, Germany.


Publications of Dr. Mitja Schonecke


PHD Thesis | Technical University of Munich  (2004)
Mitja Schonecke


L. Alff, Y. Krockenberger, B. Welter, M. Schonecke, R. Gross, D. Manske, M. Naito
J.B. Philipp, D. Reisinger, M. Schonecke, M. Opel, A. Marx, A. Erb, L. Alff, and R. Gross
D. Reisinger, M. Schonecke, T. Brenninger, M. Opel, A. Erb, L. Alff, and R. Gross
Research Article | Applied Physics 77, 619-621  (2003)
D. Reisinger, B. Blass, J. Klein, J. B. Philipp, M. Schonecke, A. Erb, L. Alff, and R. Gross


J. B. Philipp, J. Klein, D. Reisinger, M. Schonecke, A. Marx, A. Erb, L. Alff, R. Gross


U. Schoop, M. Schonecke, S. Thienhaus, F. Herbstritt, J. Klein, L. Alff, R. Gross
Research Article | PHYSICA C 351, 200-214  (2001)
U. Schoop, M. Schonecke, S. Thienhaus, S. Schymon, L. Alff, R. Gross
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