Prof. Dr. Peter Rabl

- Director: Head of Division: Quantum Theory
Dr. Peter Rabl is Full Professor (Chair) in Physics at the TU Munich and Scientific Director of the Walther-Meißner-Institute (WMI) of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Peter Rabl joined the WMI in Feb 2023 and is leading the Quantum Theory division. His research interests range from the development of improved quantum communication and quantum computation protocols for superconducting qubits and hybrid quantum systems to the investigation of novel quantum many-body effects in strongly- and ultrastrongly-coupled light-matter systems.
Peter Rabl studied at the University of Innsbruck, where he also received his PhD in 2006, working on first theoretical concepts for hybrid quantum computers. For his thesis he was awarded the Ludwig-Boltzmann Prize of the Austrian Physical Society (ÖPG) in 2007. In the same year, he received an ITAMP Postdoctoral Fellowship and joined the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and the Harvard Physics department for three years, before returning to Innsbruck as a Senior Scientist at the IQOQI of Austrian Academy of Sciences.
In 2011, Peter Rabl received the prestigious START prize of Austrian Ministry of Science and Education (BMWF), which allowed him to establish his own independent research group in the field of opto- and nanomechanical quantum systems. In the following year he accepted a position at the Atominstitut of the TU Wien, where he was appointed Assistant Professor in 2013, received his habilitation in 2017 and became Full Professor in 2021.