Mayank Sharma

  • Alumnus/Alumna: Magnetism and Spintronics
  • Alumnus/Alumna: Thin Film Technology


Mayank Sharma was working as an exchange master student from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras in the Gross group between October 2020 to September 2021. He was supported by a DAAD scholarship.

MasterThesis: Investigation of the amplitude of the spin Hall magnetoresistance in antiferromagnetic FeO

At WMI, Mayank was investigating the spin Hall magnetoresistace (SMR) in antiferromagnetically ordered insulators. After finishing his master thesis, he left WMI to join the EU Network SPEAR, dealing with the rich physical phenomena observed in condensed matter systems arising from spin-orbit coupling (SOC).


Publications of Mayank Sharma


Master Thesis | Indian Institute of Technology Madras and Technische Universität München  (2021)
Mayank Sharma
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