Proseminar | Superconducting Quantum Circuits

S 2023


Within the seminar "Superconducting Quantum Circuits", students present state-of-the-art developments in modern quantum technology with superconducting quantum circuits. In this field, funamental research in academia has meanwhile triggered highly dynamical activities from established large corporations (Google, IBM, Intel etc.) and ambitious startups (Rigetti, IQM, HQS etc.). In particular, superconducting quantum circuits belong to the few prime candidates for a scalable quantum computer.


13:00 - 14:00h, WMI-Bibliothek 142


18.04.2023 Preliminary discussion and assignment of topics (F. Deppe, S. Filipp, R. Gross, N.N.)
25.04.2023 Preliminary discussion and assignment of topics (F. Deppe, S. Filipp, R. Gross, N.N.)
13.06.2023 Rafael Dias, Technical University of Munich
Random-Access Quantum Memory Using Chirped Pulse Phase Encoding (J. O'Sullivan et al., Phys. Rev. X 12, 041014 (2022))
(Advisor: Ana Strinic)
20.06.2023 Karolina Weber, Technical University of Munich
Suppressing quantum errors by scaling a surface code logical qubit (Google AI, Nature 614, 676–681 (2023))
(Advisor: Frank Deppe)
27.06.2023 Michael Renger, Walther-Meißner-Institut, BAdW
Microwave quantum local area network
11.07.2023 Muhammad Usama Akbar, Technical University of Munich
Chiral cavity quantum electrodynamics (John Clai Ownes et al., Nature Physics 18, 1048 (2022))
(Advisor: N.N.)
18.07.2023 PD Dr. Frank Deppe, Walther-Meißner-Institut, BAdW, and IQM Germany
Quantum computing with superconducting qubits in a commercial environment

List of open topics for seminar talks in SS 2023:

  1. Real-time quantum error correction beyond break-even (V.V. Sivak et al., Nature 616, 50-55 (2023)))
  2. Beating the break-even point with a discrete-variable-encoded logical qubit (Zhongchu Ni et al., Nature 616, 56-60 (2023))
  3. Giant magnetoresistance of Dirac plasma in high-mobility graphene (Na Xin et al., Nature 616, 270-274 (2023))
  4. Macroscopic Quantum Test with Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonators (Björn Schrinski et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 133604 (2023))
  5. On-demand directional microwave photon emission using waveguide quantum electrodynamics (Bharath Kannan et al., Nature Physics 19, 394 (2023))
  6. Nonlinear multi-frequency phonon lasers with active levitated optomechanics (Tengfang Kuang et al., Nature Physics 19, 414 (2023))
  7. Superconducting-qubit readout via low-backaction electro-optic transduction (R.D. Delaney et al., Nature 606, 489-493 (2022))
  8. Chiral cavity quantum electrodynamics (John Clai Ownes et al., Nature Physics 18, 1048 (2022))


Topical directions of the seminar

  • Foundations and applications of superconducting quantum circuits in quantum computing, quantum simulation, quantum communication, quantum sensing, and quantum metrology.
  • Superconducting quantum technology: Resonators, waveguides, quantum bits, couplers, quantum-limited amplifiers, quantum processors, quantum error correction etc.
  • State-of-the-art fabaication and measurement tachniques for superconducting quantum circuits.
  • Investigation of the fundamental light-matter interaction "on a chip" using superconducting quantum circuits.
  • Quantum information theoretical concepts: Entanglement, quantum gates, quantum algorithms, quantum memories, quantum measurements etc.
  • The coupling of nanomechanical systems and spin ensembles to superconducting circuits.
  • Challenges: longer quantum coherence, higher gate fidelities, scalability to a large number of qubits etc.
  • Latest developments on the strive towards quantum advantages over conventional technology
  • Propagating quantum microwaves emitted by superconducting circuits: quantum ressources, quantum microwave communication, quantum radar

You will be supported in the preparation of your talks from the research groups on superconducting quantum circuits, propagating quantum microwaves, and nanomechanics at the Walther-Meißner-Institute.

Learning Outcome

After the successful completion of the module the students are able

  • To prepare presentation slides on a scientific topic and to clearly present a topical research field within a scientific talk.
  • To discuss on a state-of-the-art research field in a scientific way.
  • To analyze and assess the latest development in quantum scinece and technology with superconducting circuits.
  • To understand and explain the foundations of superconducting quantum systems and technology.
  • To understand the foundations and the state of the art in quantum computing, quantum simulation, quantum communication, quantum sensing, and quantum metrology with supercondcuting circuits
  • To understand the foundations and the state of the art in nanomechnical systems and spin ensembles


Condensed matter physics, fundamental quantum mechanics

Tuesday, 18.04.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Seminarraum 143 (5272.01.143)
Tuesday, 18.04.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
preliminary discussion and assignment of topics
Tuesday, 25.04.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Seminarraum 143 (5272.01.143)
Tuesday, 25.04.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
preliminary discussion and assignment of topics
Tuesday, 02.05.2023, 13:00 - 14:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
Tuesday, 02.05.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Seminarraum 143 (5272.01.143)
Tuesday, 02.05.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
Tuesday, 09.05.2023, 13:00 - 14:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
Tuesday, 09.05.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Seminarraum 143 (5272.01.143)
Tuesday, 09.05.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
Tuesday, 16.05.2023, 13:00 - 14:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
Tuesday, 16.05.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Seminarraum 143 (5272.01.143)
Tuesday, 16.05.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
Tuesday, 23.05.2023, 13:00 - 14:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
Tuesday, 23.05.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
Tuesday, 23.05.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Seminarraum 143 (5272.01.143)
Tuesday, 06.06.2023, 13:00 - 14:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
Tuesday, 06.06.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
Tuesday, 06.06.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Seminarraum 143 (5272.01.143)
Tuesday, 13.06.2023, 13:00 - 14:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
Rafael Dias: Random-Access Quantum Memory Using Chirped Pulse Phase Encoding
Advisor: Ana Strinic
Tuesday, 13.06.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
Tuesday, 13.06.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Seminarraum 143 (5272.01.143)
Tuesday, 20.06.2023, 13:00 - 14:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
Karolina Weber: Suppressing quantum errors by scaling a surface code logical qubit
Advisor: Frank Deppe
Tuesday, 20.06.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
Tuesday, 20.06.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Seminarraum 143 (5272.01.143)
Tuesday, 27.06.2023, 13:00 - 14:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
Tuesday, 27.06.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Seminarraum 143 (5272.01.143)
Tuesday, 27.06.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
Tuesday, 04.07.2023, 13:00 - 14:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
Tuesday, 04.07.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
Tuesday, 04.07.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Seminarraum 143 (5272.01.143)
Tuesday, 11.07.2023, 13:00 - 14:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
Tuesday, 11.07.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Seminarraum 143 (5272.01.143)
Tuesday, 11.07.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
Tuesday, 18.07.2023, 13:00 - 14:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
Tuesday, 18.07.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Bibliothek 142 (5272.01.142)
Tuesday, 18.07.2023, 14:30 - 16:00
Place: WMI-Seminarraum 143 (5272.01.143)