Dr. Alexei Troshyn

  • Alumnus/Alumna: High-Tc-Superconductivity: Superconductivity and Correlated Electron Systems
  • Alumnus/Alumna: Thin Film Technology


Alexei Troshyn was member of the Gross group at WMI as a Ph.D. student between 2018 and 2022.

Ph.D. Thesis: Industrielle Herstellungsverfahren für Hochtemperatur-Supraleiter basierte Bandleiter der 2. Generation

The Ph.D. Thesis of Alexei Troshyn was done in close collaboration with Theva Dünnschicht GmbH at Ismaning. After finishing his Ph.D. in 2022, Alexei joined Theva Dünnschicht GmbH as a process engineer.


Publications of Dr. Alexei Troshyn



Oleksiy Troshyn, Christian Hoffmann, Veit Große, Jens Hänisch, Lucas Becker, Rudolf Gross
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