PD Dr. Frank Deppe

Frank Deppe is Junior Group Leader at WMI and, since 2017, private lecturer (“Privatdozent”) at Technische Universität München. He works on superconducting quantum circuits, as well as on quantum communication and sensing with microwaves. During his PhD studies, he performed experiments on superconducting flux quantum circuits at NTT Basic Research Laboratories in Japan. After holding a personalized postdoc position within the Collaborative Research Center 631 on “Solid State Quantum Information Processing”, he became staff scientist at WMI in 2014. In 2017, he obtained his “Habilitation” (German university teaching licence) and “Privatdozentur” (private lecturereship) at TUM. Frank is principal investigator in the German excellence cluster “Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology” (MCQST),coordinator of the EU Quantum Flagship project “Quantum Microwaves for Communication and Sensing” (QMiCS), and scientific coordinator of the BMBF project “QUAntumRAdarTeam” (QUARATE).