Dr. Jan Boris Philipp

  • Alumnus/Alumna: Magnetism and Spintronics


Jan Boris Philipp was member of the Gross group at WMI as a Ph.D. student between 2000 and 2003.

Ph.D. Thesis:  Spinabhängiger Transport in Übergangsmetalloxiden  (2003)

In his Ph.D. thesis, Jan Boris Philipp was working on materials and devices making use of the spin degree of freedom of charge carriers. While rhe classical semiconductor electronic is based on the charge degree of freedom, spin electronics additionally uses the spin degree of freedom. For magnetoelectronic devices based on the tunneling magnetoresistance, materials with a high spin polarization are necessary. Transition metal oxides can have a full spinpolarization compared to transition metals, which have a spinpolarization smaller than 60%. In his thisis, Jan Boris Philipp showed that grain boundary junctions in transition metal oxides are perfect magnetic tunnel junctions with large tunnel magnetoresistance. The double perovskite Sr2CrWO6 with a Curie-temperature above 400 K and a theoretical predicted full spinpolarization is a particularly interesting candidate for future magnetoelectronic devices. During his thesis, Jan Boris developed a process for epitaxial thin film growth of these materials for the first time. 

After finishing his Ph.D. thesis, he left WMI to start a carrier in industry. At present, he is Head of Research Systems at Diehl Aviation.


Publications of Dr. Jan Boris Philipp


Yafeng Lu, J. Klein, F. Herbstritt, J. B. Philipp, A. Marx & R. Gross
M. Wagenknecht, H. Eitel, T. Nachtrab, J. B. Philipp, R. Gross, R. Kleiner & D. Kölle


Research Article | Superlattices and Microstructures 37, 327-332  (2005)
K.-W. Nielsen, J.B. Philipp, M. Opel, A. Erb, J. Simon, L. Alff & R. Gross
Research Article | physica status solidi (b) 242, 1545-1560  (2005)
Yafeng Lu, J. Klein, F. Herbstritt, J. B. Philipp, A. Marx, L. Alff, R. Gross & H. Zhang


N. Rama, J. B. Philipp, M. Opel, A. Erb, V. Sankaranarayanan, R. Gross, M. S. Ramachandra Rao
Research Article | Advances in Solid State Physics 44, 453-465  (2004)
S.T.B. Goennenwein, T. A. Wassner, H. Huebl, A. Koeder, W. Schoch, A. WangJ.B. Philipp, M. Opel, R. Gross, M. Stutzmann, M.S. Brandt
S.B.T. Goennenwein, T.A. Wassner, T. Graf, H. Huebl, J.B. Philipp, M. Opel, R. Gross, A. Koeder, W. Schoch, A. Waag, M.S. Brandt
Research Article | Acta Physica Polonica A 105, 7-26  (2004)
J.B. Philipp, P. Majewski, D. Reisinger, S. Geprags, M. Opel, A. Erb, L. Alff, R. Gross
N. Rama, J. B. Philipp, M. Opel, K. Chandrasekaran, V. SankaranarayananR. Gross, M.S. Ramachandra Rao


Research Article | PHYSICA B-Condensed Matter 329, 965-966  (2003)
L. Alff, J.B. Philipp, D. Reisinger, R. Gross, G. Carbone, A. Vigliante, E. Klein
J.B. Philipp, D. Reisinger, M. Schonecke, M. Opel, A. Marx, A. Erb, L. Alff, and R. Gross
T. Graf, M. Gjukic, M. Hermann, M.S. Brandt, M. Stutzmann, L. Gorgens, J.B. Philipp, O. Ambacher
J. Klein, J. B. Philipp, D. Reisinger, M. Opel, A. Marx, A. ErbL. Alff, and R. Gross
PHD Thesis | Technical University of Munich  (2003)
Jan Boris Philipp
J. B. Philipp, P. Majewski, L. Alff, A. Erb, R. Gross, T. Graf, M. S. Brandt, J. Simon, T. Walther, W. Mader, D. Topwal, D. D. Sarma
Research Article | Applied Physics 77, 619-621  (2003)
D. Reisinger, B. Blass, J. Klein, J. B. Philipp, M. Schonecke, A. Erb, L. Alff, and R. Gross


J. B. Philipp, J. Klein, D. Reisinger, M. Schonecke, A. Marx, A. Erb, L. Alff, R. Gross
Research Article | physica status solidi (a) 189, 617-620  (2002)
J. Klein, J. B. Philipp, D. Reisinger, L. Alff, R. Gross


Yafeng Lu, J. Klein, C. Hofener, B. Wiedenhorst, J.B. Philipp, F. Herbstritt, A. Marx, L. Alff, R. Gross
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