Dr. Ling Zhong

- Alumnus/Alumna: Quantum Systems
Ling Zhong was member of the Gross group at WMI as a Ph.D. student between November 2011 and August 2015.
Ph.D. Thesis: Generation and Reconstruction of Propagating Quantum Microwaves (2015)
In his Ph.D. thesi, she was working on quantum microwave communication and sensing, dealing with the generation and detection of propagation quantum microwave signals, which represent key ingredients for quantum communication. A particular form of such quantum microwaves are squeezed states. In her Ph.D. thesis, Ling Zhong investigated squeezed states generated by Josephson parametric amplifiers (JPAs) with a dual-path setup. She generated squeezed coherent states by sending coherent states into a JPA. Alternatively, she performed displacement operations by using a directional coupler. Her experiments represent key steps towards remote state preparation and quantum teleportation.
She left WMI in August 2015 to work in the Steve Lamoreaux Research Lab at Yale University as a postdoctoral researcher.