Dr. Qi-Ming Chen

  • Alumnus/Alumna: Quantum Systems


Qi-Ming Chen was member of the Gross group as a Ph.D. student between 2018 and 2022.

Ph.D. Thesis: Quantum Statistical Properties of a Superconducting Duffing Oscillator (2022)

Qi-Ming was born and raised in China. In 2014, he received his Bachelor degrees in Navigation, Guidance & Control (NGC) and Applied Mathematics from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA). In 2017, he received his Master degree in Control Science & Engineering from Tsinghua University, guided by Re-Bing Wu on quantum optimal control theory and Yu-xi Liu on superconducting quantum circuits. Later, he joined Herschel Rabitz’s group at Princeton University working on quantum time-optimal control experiments in NMR. In October 2018, he joined WMI and to study analogue quantum simulation with microwave cavities. In his Ph.D. thesis, he measured the non-equilibrium dynamics of a superconducting Duffing oscillator and reconciled the classical and quantum theories in a unified picture. He demonstrated that the steady states regarded as classically are in fact metastable states. By engineering the lifetime of the metastable states sufficiently large, he could observe a first-order dissipative phase transition which mimics a sudden change of the mean field in a 11-site Bose-Hubbard lattice. He also revealed the two distinct phases of the transition by quantum state tomography, i.e., a coherent phase and a squeezed phase separated by a critical point.    

In April 2022, he left WMI to start a postdoc position at Aalto University in Finland.


Publications of Dr. Qi-Ming Chen


Qi-Ming Chen, Michael Fischer, Yuki Nojiri, Michael Renger, Edwar Xie, Matti Partanen, Stefan Pogorzalek, Kirill G. Fedorov, Achim Marx, Frank Deppe, Rudolf Gross


Research Article | Physical Review A 106, 052415  (2022)
Preprint: arXiv:2207.06090
M. Renger, S. Pogorzalek, F. Fesquet, K. Honasoge, F. Kronowetter, Q. Chen, Y. Nojiri, K. Inomata, Y. Nakamura, A. Marx, F. Deppe, R. Gross, K. G. Fedorov
PHD Thesis | Technical University of Munich  (2022)
Qi-Ming Chen
Qi-Ming Chen, Meike Pfeiffer, Matti Partanen, Florian Fesquet, Kedar E. Honasoge, Fabian Kronowetter, Yuki Nojiri, Michael Renger, Kirill G. Fedorov, Achim Marx, Frank Deppe, Rudolf Gross
Qi-Ming Chen, Matti Partanen, Florian Fesquet, Kedar E. Honasoge, Fabian Kronowetter, Yuki Nojiri, Michael Renger, Kirill G. Fedorov, Achim Marx, Frank Deppe, Rudolf Gross
Qi-Ming Chen, Florian Fesquet, Kedar E. Honasoge, Fabian Kronowetter, Yuki Nojiri, Michael Renger, Kirill G. Fedorov, Achim Marx, Frank Deppe, Rudolf Gross


Research Article | npj Quantum Information 7, 160  (2021)
Preprint: arXiv:2011.00914
M. Renger, S. Pogorzalek, Q. Chen, Y. Nojiri, K. Inomata, Y. Nakamura, M. Partanen, A. Marx, R. Gross, F. Deppe, K. G. Fedorov
Research Article | Science Advances 7, eabk0891  (2021)
Preprint: arXiv:2103.04155
K. G. Fedorov, M. Renger, S. Pogorzalek, R. Di Candia, Q. Chen, Y. Nojiri, K. Inomata, Y. Nakamura, M. Partanen, A. Marx, R. Gross, F. Deppe
Michael Fischer, Qi-Ming Chen, Christian Besson, Peter Eder, Jan Goetz, Stefan Pogorzalek, Michael Renger, Edwar Xie, Michael J. Hartmann, Kirill G. Fedorov, Achim Marx, Frank Deppe, Rudolf Gross


Qi-Ming Chen, Frank Deppe, Re-Bing Wu, Luyan Sun, Yu-xi Liu, Yuki Nojiri, Stefan Pogorzalek, Michael Renger, Matti Partanen, Kirill G. Fedorov, Achim Marx, Rudolf Gross
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