Dr. Sibylle Meyer

- Alumnus/Alumna: Magnetism and Spintronics
- Alumnus/Alumna: Thin Film Technology
Sibylle Meyer was member of the Gross group as a master and Ph.D. student between 2011 and 2015.
Master Thesis: Magneto-thermogalvanische Experimente an (Ga,Mn)As Dünnfilmen (2012)
Ph.D. Thesis: Spin Caloritronics in Ferromagnet/Normal Metal Hybrid Structures (2015)
Sibylle Meyer was studying spin caloric effects in bilayers consisting of ferromagnets and normal metals. She was discovering the spin Nernst effect. The field of spin caloritronics includes the generation, propagation and detection of spin currents under non-equilibrium conditions. Within her thesis, she studied spin current based transport phenomena in platinum thin films, driven by spin orbit interaction in combination with charge or heat currents. To experimentally detect these spin currents in the charge channel, she used an adjacent layer of the ferromagnetic insulator yttrium iron garnet as a controllable spin sink.
She left WMI in December 2015 to join DELO Industrie Klebstoffe as an Application Engineer. Meanwhile she was promoted to Deputy Head of Application Development.