Dr. Michael Fischer

Michael Fischer was member of the Gross group at WMI as a Master and Ph.D. Student between 2014 and 2018.
Master Thesis: Supraleitendes On-chip-Mikrowellen-Interferometer / On-chip Superconducting Microwave Interferometer (2014)
Ph.D. Thesis: In-situ Tunable Nonlinearity and Competing Signal Paths in Coupled Superconducting Resonators (2022)
In his Ph.D. thesis, Michael Fischer was studying superconducting quantum circuits consisting of two coupled nonlinear resonators that are suitable for quantum simulation of Bose-Hubbard systems and perform a classical simulation of the Bose-Hubbard model for a two-site lattice. By measuring the microwave transmission as a function of the applied magnetic flux and microwave power, he could extract the nonlinearity of the resonators by comparing the experimental data with a circuit model that includes a parasitic path..
He left WMI in December 2018 to join TNG Technology Consulting as a Senior Consultant.